In partnership with the St. Louis Regional Health Commission (RHC), Reinsurance Group of America, Incorporated (RGA) has successfully completed their second annual Data Visualization Hackathon event.
The Hackathon aims to produce information that is visually appealing and easily consumable to those who don’t work as data practitioners. As a way to exercise their data skills and give back to the community, RGA interns competed in teams to transform the RHC’s Access to Care Data Book into understandable infographics. Judged on design, data storytelling, and analysis, RGA interns were tasked with creating a visual summary analysis that addressed who, where, and how the RHC serves the Saint Louis community, highlighting the services RHC provides. All information was then made into a dashboard for consumers and stakeholders alike to utilize.
“We all have a vested interest in society being healthier, living longer and more productive lives. If we can leverage that, not only through the work we do at RGA, but partner with communities, we think that’s a win-win for everybody”
Matthew Blakely, Vice President, Corporate Responsibility & Sustainability, RGA
Congratulations to the two winning teams: The Tableaus Have Turned, who donated $2,500 to The Down Syndrome Association of Greater St. Louis, and Knights of the Round Tableau, who donated $2,500 to the National Alliance on Mental Illness.
The Tableaus Have Turned
Knights of the Round Tableau
As for the future of the event, planners from RGA say they intend to continue the Hackathon annually, using RGA employees’ and interns’ data skills and technology to expand community partnerships. Thank you to RGA for donating $5,000 to the RHC.
Special thanks to the judges for bringing their own data science, research experiences, and diverse backgrounds to the event:
- Guizhou Hu, Vice President, Head of Risk Analytics, RGA
- Rosemery Cruz, Senior Data Scientist, RGA
- Maryam Shapland, Vice President, Medical Director, RGA
- Rosetta Keeton, Consultant, RHC