ST. LOUIS, June 8, 2020 — Nine of 10 Missourians killed by COVID-19 are 60 or older. Almost half are 80 or older.
African Americans, also, are disproportionately dying: Black residents make up 12% of the state’s population, but well more than one-third of Missouri’s coronavirus deaths. In St. Louis and St. Louis County, they are dying at nearly double the rate of whites.
Even as coronavirus patient counts continue to fall at the region’s hospitals, the most recent COVID-19 statistics, as of Friday afternoon, show a marked demographic split in the death toll. Just six of about 800 dead in Missouri were under 40 years old; just two were under 30.
And yet the virus has found its way into the homes of the elderly and into senior living facilities throughout the St. Louis region, and in almost every county in the state.
Click here for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch story.
Photo: St. Louis Post-Dispatch